Amniocentesis / Chorionic Villus Sample (CVS) Prenatal Paternity Test
A prenatal paternity test using the amniotic fluid or chorionic villus sample (CVS) collected by your physician.
This prenatal paternity test uses the amniotic fluid or chorionic villus sample (CVS) collected by your physician to determine the paternity of your child.
Your physician is needed to collect your amniotic fluid or CVS sample. DNA Plus coordinates this collection with your physician, as well as the collection of samples from the alleged father(s). All arrangements will be made during your consultation.
Two types of this test are available: Standard (i.e., non court-admissible) and Court-Admissible.
With one call to DNA Plus, your entire test can be arranged – the mother’s collection, the father’s collection – everything. Even if the mother and alleged father(s) are in different states – or countries.
Due to the invasive nature of an amniocentesis or CVS, many expectant mothers prefer our Fetal Cell Prenatal Paternity Test. This test is noninvasive and uses only the mother’s blood to test paternity.